Here you can get many answers to your concerns, however, if you do not find your question, please contact us.

How does voice recognition on the version of Sowen Point ® for Windows "Vista"?

In the Windows operating system “Vista”, 7, 8 and 10, in Start Menu, Control Panel, Accessibility there are options of Voice recognition. Perform the speech recognition tutorial (in a few minutes) after having installed a microphone. Run Sowen Point®, which already has all built-in voice recognition features, and you can dictate the data to your program, and do tasks without touching the keyboard or mouse, more than rarely. There is no need to install any additional voice recognition software, since Windows Vista in its editions of Home Edition and Business Edition has it included.

Is it easy to install Sowen Point ® software?

Yes, very easy to install as it is installed automatically if you have an active internet connection. However, in the installation CD is a file, “HelpInstalation.doc”, detailing all steps. You can open this file before installing the program and follow step by step throughout the installation process. It is recommended that you always read the help file even after installation.

What about support of Sowen Point ® software?

Yes, it has support on issues of program installation or any questions about the management of the program. On the other hand, also has a detailed online help on all windows of the program, which will explain everything you need. However, you can send any questions to soporte@nemercomputer.com, where he will attend as soon as possible.

What brings me as a student of Chinese medicine and bioenergetics buy Sowen Point ®?

First, I recorded all the steps in a consultation. Second, put at my disposal on the screen all you need to know about: syndromes, diseases and symptoms, all the elements that make up the various tools of Diagnosis and Treatment. Example: In acupuncture, I have treatments for each syndrome or pathology created, Its points and the location of each and Its name in Chinese. Also Its translation into Spanish and English, its indications and mode of moxar and puncture. On the other hand there is a graphics tutorial, for each module, that helps you get started using the program.

What brings me, as a therapist, acquire Sowen Point ®?

Apart from the ‘confirmation test of the syndrome’, the synthesis of the medical history, regulation in Ryodoraku (Left / Right, Luo /Yuan and Luo group) in acupuncture, which are obtained automatically. Sowen Point ® : – allows me have more time for patient care. – The ability to review and study each case with convenience and accuracy because the program generates the necessary reports for it. – The ability to compare and track the evolution of the patient’s symptoms during his various visits. – Have a database properly and fully editable.

Are the data used in the program follow some bibliography?

Besides being able to customize or create all the data of the three modules of the program, the bibliography that nourishes our application are the following books, By express respect of the author’s copyright, the most important ones have been registered of each one):


1. Elementos de Diagnóstico Chino en M.Energ.China

Patogenia y patología I y II.Ed: Cabal.Autor: Nguyen Van Nghi.


2. Acupuntura I. Fundamentos de Bioenergética

Ed: Mandala.Autor: A.Carlos Nogueira Perez.- Acupuntura II. Fisiología, patología, semiología y terapéutica en m.t.c.- Acupuntura III. Los microsistemas, los extrameridianos y los colaterales.Ed: C.E.M.E.T.C. sl Autor: A.Carlos Nogueira Perez. –Acupuntura IV. Movimiento Tierra.

– Acupuntura V . Movimiento Metal.

– Acupuntura VI. Movimiento Agua.

– Acupuntura VII. Movimiento Madera.

– Acupuntura VIII. Movimiento Fuego.

Ed: C.E.M.E.T.C. sl     Autores: A.Carlos Nogueira Perez , A.Javier Álvarez Martínez.


3. Tratado de Sanación en el arte del Soplo

– La alkimia de la inmortalidad.

– Alkimia tradición y milagros.

– Tratado de Acupuntura I. Teorias de Yin-Yang, 5 Elementos y Meridianos y Colaterales.

– Tratado de Acupuntura II. 4 Metodos de Diagnosis y Diferenciacion de Sindromes.

– Tratado de Acupuntura III. Terapia Acupuntural y Localizacion y Combinacion de Puntos.

– Tratado De Acupuntura IV.

– Tratamiento Con Acpuntura De Las 83 Enfermedades Comunes.

Ed: Escuela Neijing.Autor: Jose Luis Padilla Corral.


4. El gran libro de la medicina china

Ed: Martinez Roca. Autor : Li Ping.


5. Introducción a la Electro-Acupuntura Japonesa y al Ryodoraku

Ed : Mandala ediciones.Autor: Hirohisa Oda.

– Introducción a la Biomedición con Ryodoraku.

Ed: Mandala ediciones . Autor : Carlos Nogueira Pérez.


6. Between Heaven and Earth: A Guide to Chinese Medicine

Ballantine books. Authors: Harriet Beinfield and Efrem Korngold.


7. The Foundations of Chinese Medicine: A Comprehensive Text for Acupuncturists and Herbalists.

Elsevier. Author: Giovanni Maciocia.


8. Enciclopedia de MEDICINA CHINA

Ed: Asociación Medicinas Complementarias.


9. Curso de M.T.C : Tomo1,2,3

Ed: Facultad de Medicina Tradicional China de Pekín.


10. Tratamiento y Diagnóstico diferencial en Medicina Tradicional China

Volumen 1 a 6 .Ed: dilema.Autor: Dr. Shuhai He.


11. Auriculoterapia

Ed: Ibis.Autor: Franco Caspani.


12. Auriculopuntura

Ed: Cabal. Autor: Nguyen Van Nghi.


13. El Gran Libro de la Iridología

Ed: Integral.Autor: Dr. Josep Lluis Berdonces.


14. Tongue Diagnosis in Chinese Medicine

Eastland Press Inc. Author: Giovanni Maciocia.


15. Complete Guide to Nine Star Ki: A Timeless System for Discovering Life, Love and Prosperity

Author: Bob Sachs.


16. Holistic Health Through Macrobiotics

Author: Michio Kushi with Eduard Esko.


17. The Art of Aromatherapy: The Healing and Beautifying Properties of the Essential Oils of Flowers and Herbs

Author: Robert Tisserand.


18. El equilibrio a través de la alimentación

Autor : Olga Cuevas Fernández.


19. Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation

Author : Andreas Moritz.


20. Food As Medicine: How to Use Diet, Vitamins, Juices, and Herbs for a Healthier, Happier, and Longer Life

Author : Dharma Singh Khalsa.

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